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The twitter connector is the main source of event data. It connects the Twitter API [^1] with the Amba Analysis Stream platform. Therefore, the connector uses a combination of keys, and access to a filtered stream with a defined set of attributes. The filtered stream, a Twitter API feature, is configured per account prior to accessing the stream. Filters may contain a list of rules, in our case a list of domains that contain the most popular publisher as well as plain URLs. If tweets match these rules, they are added to the filtered stream and are accessible by the twitter connector. The Twitter connector is implemented in python and uses the amba-event-streams package.

For a successful connection and initiation of a tweet stream, a so-called Bearer Token that identifies the account is necessary. The token further ensures that the correct rules are applied. The Twitter API account used is an academic account provided by Twitter, that allows retrieving up to 10 million tweets a month. The data retrieved from Twitter can be adjusted by setting “keys” in the request. These keys allow to extend the retrieved Twitter data in JSON format and may add data about the tweet author, referenced tweets and additional tweet data.

Once established, the connection persists and every received tweet is decoded and transformed into an “amba-event” object. At this point, the subject of the amba-event, i.e., the tweet, is filled with data extracted from the JSON. The state of this event is set to unlinked since the connection to the object, the publication, has not been made yet. Once completed setting the subject and general attributes, the event is published to Kafka.

In case of connection issues or any sorts of error, the connector is able to recognize such errors and restarts the connection. In order to ensure reliability, a processing thread periodically checks how many tweets have been received. If there are no tweets for multiple consecutive checks, the twitter connector container is restarted to reset to working state.

[^1]:, APIv2